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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2001;7(4):511-518.
A Study on the Growth, Development and Obesity Index of Breast-feeding Infants.
Hyeon Ok Ju, Hwa Za Lee, Young Hae Kim
Department of Nursing, Busan National University, Korea.
This study is to identify the characteristics of the growth and deveolpment, and to assess Obesity Index, BMI and Kaup Index of infants paticipated in a healthy breast-feeding contest. The subjects of this study were 94 breast- feeding infants, ages from 6 to 8 months. Their weight and height were measured and compared with Korean Standards. Their developmental state was tested by DDST(Denver Developmental Screening Test) standardized in Korea. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS-WIN 10.0. The result is as follows : 1. The weight of infants was more than Korean Standards, but the height was less. 2. There were statistically significant differences in Obesity Index, BMI and Kaup Index. Obese infants estimated by Obesity Index were about 10%, but by BMI and Kaup Index were 35.1% and 27.7%. 3. Spearman's rhos of Obesity Index and Kaup Index, Obesity Index and BMI, and Kaup Index and BMI were individually 0.526, 0.528 and 0.753. In conclusion, BMI should be added to the criteria for assessing healthy breast-feeding infants.
Key words: Growth; Development; Obesity index
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