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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2002;8(1):77-85.
The Study on the Variable related to the Sexual Harassment among the Korean Adolescents.
Young Hae Kim, Hwa Za Lee, Eun Soon Jung, Yi Soon Kim
1Department of Nursing, College of Med., Pusan National University, Korea. ungaekim@pusan.ac.kr
2Department of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Dongeui University, Korea.
Recently in Korea, the adolescents' sexual problems including sexual violence have increased, and those phenomena have escalated to be one of the major social issues. This study was conducted to identify the variables related to the sexual harassments of the Korean adolescents. The variables to which the subjects belong were gender, school grade, religion, extracurricular activity, amount of pocket money, school performance traffic mean to school, ownership of PC, internet contact frequency and place, contact to pornography, heterosexual friend, drinking, and smoking. The period of survey was from July 2000 to Dec. 2000. The subjects were 475 middle and high-schoolers in Busan and Kyung-Nam. The instrument to measure sexual harassments of the subjects was questionnaire. That was gained by modifying the three patterns(physical, verbal and visual) in the manual provide by the Ministry of Labor(1999). The degree of sexual harassments was measured by 4-point Likert scale. The collected data was analyzed with t-test and ANOVA by SPSS win(10.0). The findings were as follows ; 1. The variables related to the physical harassment were gender, age, pocket money, perceived school performance, traffic means, contact to pornography, having heterosexual friend, experience of drinking and smoking. 2. The variables related to the visual harassments were gender, age, perceived school performance, traffic mean, internet contact, contact to pornography, having heterosexual friend, experience of drinking & smoking. 3. The variables related to the verbal harassments were gender, age, pocket money, perceived school performance, traffic mean, internet contact, contact to pornography, having heterosexual friend, and experience of drinking & smoking.
Key words: Sexual harassment; Korean adolescents; Variable
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