Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Kyungpook National University, Korea.
This study was done to evaluate the need and satisfaction for nursing care of the families with their hospitalized children. The data were collected through the questionnaire from March 15, 2002 to April 7. Subjects were the 103 families caring for their hospitalized children at pediatric ward in two university hospitals in Daegu. The nursing need instrument was developed by Seo(1999) and modified by the researcher of this study based on the classification of nursing care area(nursing assessment, direct nursing, education and counseling, and facilities and environment).
The nursing satisfaction instrument was developed by Wandelt & Ager(1974) and modified by Park(1994) based on classification of nursing care area (psychosocial care, physical care, general care, professional care, and communicative care). The results are summarized as follows: 1. The scores in the nursing need showed in the Direct nursing(3.41 +/- .42), Facilities and Environment(3.38 +/- .46), Education and Counseling (3.35 +/- .40), and Nursing Assessment(3.14 +/- .41) area in order. 2.The scores in the nursing satisfaction showed in the Psychosocial care(3.70 +/- .74), Commu- nicative care(3.60 +/- .72), General care(3.42 +/- .76), Professional care(3.38 +/- .82), and Physical care(3.32 +/- .70) area in order. 3.General characteristics of families which influence on the satisfaction showed a significant difference according to their educational(F=5.63, p=.001) and economical level(F=4.47, p=.006), and hospitalized experience(t=2.30, p=0.02). 4. There was no correlation between the nursing need and the nursing satisfaction.