1Department of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Dongeui University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was intended to present basic data of a more effective drug free education program by examining and analyzing the needs of drug and health education in the adolescent.
METHOD: The study subjects were 480 students from six high schools in Pusan. The data were collected by a self-administered questionnaire between June 1 and June 10, 1999. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test in SPSS program were used for data analysis.
RESULT: The scoring rate of knowledge for drug abuse of the subjects was 26.8%. For the scores of knowledge according to the type of drug, cigarettes were the highest at 38.4%, and for the scores of knowledge according to items, the abuse part was 59%, also the highest. The needs of drugs and drug education for the subjects had an average of 19.59. For the score of needs according to the items, plans to maintain and improve health was 1.72, the highest, methods to control anger and stress was 1.66, toxicity of drugs was 1.51, and medicinal use of drugs was 1.44.For the characteristics of the subject and characteristics relating to drugs, and the comparison of needs of drug education, consisted of students who said they liked or disliked their school life, those who have had drug education at school, who having received drug education by various kinds of materials, all had high needs for the education.
CONCLUSION: It is necessary that drug free education plans including plans to maintain and improve health on the basis of the needs of drug education for the adolescent and other contents such as the methods to control anger and stress are established. Development of various kinds of audio-visual materials, publicity booklets and educational programs for parents etc. are needed in order to make the adolescent have an interest in drug free education, and recognize its importance.