Analysis of Needs for Sexual Education in Primary School Children. |
Soon Ok Yang, Geum Hee Jeong, Young Ran Han |
1Department of Nursing Science, Hallym University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing Science, College of Medicine, Dongguk University, Korea. |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify the higher-grade primary school children's needs for sexual education. We got the data with open question from 481 children from March to July 1999. We analyzed them according to the framework suggested by the Sex Information and Education Council of USA. The framework involves the six domains such as human development, relationship, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society & culture. In the analysis of need for sexual education according to domain, need for human development was highest (79.2 %), after that followed society & culture (8.3 %), sexual health (5.8%), sexual behavior (3.6%), and relationships (3.1%). There was no need for personal skills.
By topics, there were needs for puberty (38.0%), reproduction (32.5%), gender roles (6.0%), body image (4.9%), sexual abuse (2.4%) and reproductive health (2.4%).
Girls and boys all mostly wanted to know human development 41.0 % and 38.2 % each. Society & culture (3.4 %), sexual behaviour (2.7%), sexual health (2.6%), relationship (2.4%) were domains selected by boys. Girls wanted to know society & culture (4.9%) and 'sexual health (3.2%). Comparing by grade, fourth, fifth and sixth grade children are commonly interested in development, society & culture. Fourth grade children scarcely show attention on the relationship, sexual behaviour and sexual health; meanwhile sixth grade children would like to know sexual behaviour and sexual health. When their grade became higher, they would like to know more precise, concrete and deep information. We suggest that the textbook/guidebook for sexual health for the higher-grade primary school children should be developed considering the sex and grade. |
Key words:
Primary school children; Sexual education; Need analysis |