Woman College Students' Perception of Their Parent's Child-rearing Attitudes. |
Young Hee Kim, Shin Jeong Kim |
1Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea. kimsj@hallym.ac.kr |
Abstract |
PURPOSE: This study was carried out to show the parental child-rearing attitudes perceived by daughters(woman college students), who were in the process of pursuit of resonable values, ethics and preparing for marriage and settling down, and another purposes were to help them to have positive attitudes toward their child-rearing in the future and set up preliminary parenting education program.
METHOD: The subjects were 120 woman college students who were freshmen to junior in one university in Seoul. Using the self-report questionnaire, data were collected from December in 1999 to March in 2000. The contents which subjects wrote down were categorized by content analysis method.
RESULT: 1) The age range of subjects were 19-25 years old and main rearer was mother(85.84%). 2) The perception of parent's child-rearing by subjects were revealed 555 statements and then tied together 50 themes: 'emphasizing on studying hard'(8.3%), 'doing by oneself'(5.6%), 'sternness'(5.2%), 'respect of personality'(4.5%), 'eagerness'(4.0%), 'humanity education'(4.0%), 'moderating in daily living'(4.0%), 'propriety education'(3.8%), 'sacrificing for children'(3.6%), 'expectation'(3.2%), 'concerning'(3.1%), 'parent-centered'(3.1%), 'giving a free hand'(2.9%), 'sharing with'(2.9%), 'consideration'(2.7%), 'over'-'protectiveness'(2.3%), 'hostile attitude' (2.2%), 'corporal punishment'(2.2%), 'expression of parental love'(2.0%), 'encouragement'(1.8%), 'family-centered' (1.8%), 'treating fairly'(1.6%), 'offering live experiences'(1.6%), 'exacting obedience'(1.62%), 'exemplary parental role' (1.6%), 'sexual discrimination'(1.6%), 'cooperation'(1.4%), 'giving favors'(1.4%), 'indifference'(1.4%), 'understanding' (1.3%), 'confidence'(1.3%), 'intimacy'(1.3%), 'pursuit of health'(1.3%), 'warm-hearted'(1.1%), 'stinginess'(1.1%), 'broad-mindedness'(0.7%), 'granting'(0.7%), 'interfering'(0.7%), 'reproach'(0.7%), 'distinction of sex in household affairs'(0.7%), 'help'(0.5%), 'preparing for the future'(0.5%), 'disregarding'(0.5%), 'making environment'(0.4%), 'bringing up a child personally' (0.4%), 'comparing'(0.4%), 'religious life'(0.4%), 'good deed'(0.4%), invasion of privacy' (0.2%), 'controlling desire'(0.2%). 3) 50 themes were categorized by 18 categories once more: 'control' (13.2%), 'crazy for education'(12.3%), 'endeavoring'(8.6%), 'autonomy'(8.5%), 'home education'(7.7%), 'esteem' (6.67%), 'support'(6.67%), 'pursuit of healthy daily life'(5.6%), 'earnestness'(5.4%), 'disregarding personality'(5.4%), 'emotional bonding'(3.2%), 'imposing a burden'(3.2%). 'inhospitality'(3.1%), 'acceptance'(5%), 'discrimination'(2.3%), 'mature parenthood'(1.8%), 'strengthening family tie'(1.8%), 'psychological intimacy'(1.1%). 4) On the basis of this study, 3/5 of subjects(61.2%) perceived their parents had mature and autonomous child-rearing attitudes, and on the other hand 2/5(39.5%) of them perceived controlling, just forcing to work harder and personally disregarding attitudes.
CONCLUSION: So we need to offer them nursing implementation such as preliminary parenting education program and parenting consulting like to strengthen positive perception and help improving in realistic, developmental child-rearing attitudes. |
Key words:
Women college student; Patent; Child-rearing attitude |