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Child Health Nurs Res > Volume 27(1):2021 > Article
Koo: Journal statistics, directions for development, and appreciation for reviewers
All manuscripts published in Child Health Nursing Research (CHNR) are indexed and tracked by Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Google Scholar, Crossref, Korea Citation Index (KCI), KoreaMed, and Korean Medical Citation Index (KoMCI). CHNR was accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) in February 2018, and it was accepted for inclusion in DOAJ in July 2019. In addition CHNR was re-evaluated by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) in 2020, and has been included in the KCI. All of the manuscripts in CHNR are freely available with open access for everyone to read and download from the CHNR website (http://www.e-chnr.org/) immediately and permanently after publication.
In 2020, a total of 46 articles were published in the four issues of volume 26 of CHNR, of which 29 were written in English and 17 in Korean (Table 1). The average number of authors was 2.8 persons (SD=1.5, range=1-6), and 83% of the authors were Korean, while 17% were North American, Asian, or European. By contrast, an analysis of the 146 articles published in CHNR during the 3-year period between 2016 and 2018 revealed that all of the authors were Korean [1]. It is our understanding that the inclusion of CHNR in international databases in turn led to an increase in international submissions. Furthermore, 45.7% of the research was funded, and approximately 50% of the funding was provided by national institutions.
The most common study subjects were school-age children (18.3%), followed by adolescents and parents (16.7% each) (Table 2). In 65% of the studies, the subjects were children ranging from newborns to adolescents. Similarly, 60.5% of the studies published in CHNR in 2014 had children as subjects [2]. Surveys were the most frequently used research method (50.0%), and survey-based research accounted for a similar proportion of articles published in 2014 (44.7%) [2] and 2016-2018 (48.8%) [1]; as such, over the last 7 years, nearly half of the articles published in CHNR have been survey-based. The proportion of literature reviews and secondary analysis studies, which comprised 13.2% of articles in 2014 [2] and 8.8% in 2016-2018 [1], increased to 23.9% in 2020 (literature reviews 13.0% and secondary analysis studies 10.9%).
CHNR has increased the number of English publications each year, publishing one issue in English in 2018, two issues in 2019, and three issues in 2020. Furthermore, starting with the third issue in 2020, all articles are now published in English. The transition to an English-only publication will both make the journal more accessible for international readers and encourage submissions from international researchers. This change is also expected to promote the achievement of the journal's aim to contribute to the development of research, theory, and practice related to child health around the world, as well as in Korea, as an international journal. Furthermore, we have made incessant efforts to uphold the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing [3]. By complying with research ethics and by editing and publishing according to global standards through these efforts, we aim to be accepted for inclusion in PubMed Central, as well as maintaining the inclusion of CHNR in Scopus.
I am deeply grateful to both the reviewers who reviewed the manuscripts submitted to CHNR and the editors who edited papers even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It would not have been possible to publish the journal without the dedication and effort of our reviewers and editors. Thanks to the insightful perspectives and valuable comments of the reviewers and editors, we were able to publish high-quality articles in CHNR. I express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your contributions to the publication and improvement of CHNR.


Conflict of interest
Hyun Young Koo has been editor-in-chief of Child Health Nursing Research since 2018. She was not involved in the review process of this editorial. No existing or potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Data availability
Please contact the corresponding author for data availability.




1. Im YJ An analysis of research tendency in domestic and international academic journals of pediatric nursing. 2018 Winter academic conference of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing. 2018 December 14; PJ Hotel: Seoul: Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing. 2018. 31-48.

2. Cho KC, Lee YE, Oh SE, Tak YR, Chae SM, Kim EJ, et al. Trend analysis of research articles published in Child Health Nursing Research 2014. Child Health Nursing Research. 2015;21(4):347-354. https://doi.org/10.4094/chnr.2015.21.4.347
3. Committee on Publication Ethics. Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing [Internet]. Eastleigh: Committee on Publication Ethics; 2018 [cited 2021 January 12]. Available from: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.12

Table 1
Bibliometric Analysis of Child Health Nursing Research in 2020 (N=46)
Categories n (%) or M±SD Range
Number of manuscripts
 26 (1) 13 (28.2)
 26 (2) 17 (37.0)
 26 (3) 8 (17.4)
 26 (4) 8 (17.4)

Language of manuscripts
 Korean 17 (37.0)
 English 29 (63.0)

Number of authors 2.8±1.5 1-6

Countries of authors*
 Korea 44 (83.0)
 United States 2 (3.7)
 Indonesia 1 (1.9)
 Malaysia 1 (1.9)
 Sri Lanka 1 (1.9)
 Nepal 1 (1.9)
 Thailand 1 (1.9)
 Netherlands 1 (1.9)
 Philippines 1 (1.9)

Research funding
 Not supported 25 (54.3)
 Supported 21 (45.7)
  - By a national institution 10 (47.6)
  - By a university 8 (38.1)
  - By a public foundation 3 (14.3)

* Multiple responses.

Table 2
Research Participants and Research Design of Studies Published in Child Health Nursing Research in 2020 (N=46)
Variables Categories n (%)
Research participants* Newborns 6 (10.0)
Infants and toddlers 8 (13.3)
Preschoolers 4 (6.7)
School-age children 11 (18.3)
Adolescents 10 (16.7)
Young adults 5 (8.3)
Parents 10 (16.7)
Health care providers 6 (10.0)

Research methods Surveys 23 (50.0)
Instrument development 2 (4.3)
Program development and intervention 6 (13.0)
Literature review 6 (13.0)
Secondary analysis 5 (10.9)
Mixed methods 3 (6.6)
Qualitative research 1 (2.2)

* Multiple responses.

Editorial Office
Department of Nursing, Catholic Kwandong University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-33-649-7614   Fax: +82-33-649-7620, E-mail: agneskim@cku.ac.kr
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