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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(2):268-276.
Discharge Education and Educational Demands after Hospital Discharge for Mothers of Pediatric Cancer Patients.
Young Hae Kim, Eun Ok Jeung, Young Ran Cho, Young Ok Yang
1College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea.
2Dong-A University Hospital, Korea.
3Department of Nursing Research Institute of Nursing Science, Pusan National University, Korea. youngrancho@yahoo.co.kr
4Sam-Sun Hospital, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was done to provide basic data for the development of a systematic discharge educational programs for pediatric cancer patients. METHOD: The participants in this study were 132 mothers whose children were diagnosed with cancer and being treated at 3 university hospitals in Pusan. Data were collected from December 1, 20004 to February 28, 2005, and were analyzed using SPSS WIN 10.0. RESULTS: The degree of education demand at the time of discharge from hospital was statistically significantly lower than the educational demand after the discharge. Such demand significantly varied in accordance with the length of time from discharge. Mother's educational demands were significantly different according to general characteristics of the child with cancer, especially during the first period of hospitalization and when there were changes in weight. CONCLUSION: As mothers of children with cancer had higher educational demands after the child's discharge from hospital than at the time when education was provided at discharge and. the demands differented according to the length time since the child's discharge from hospital, there is a need to develop educational programs specific to these needs of the mothers.
Key words: Pediatric cancer patients; Educational demands after hospital discharge
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