1The Catholic University of Korea. hrpark@catholic.ac.kr 2Department of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea. 3St. Mary's Hospital affiliated to Catholic University of Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was done to verify the effects of preeducation and health contract on anxiety and adaptability of children with leukemia when undergoing a spinal puncture.
METHODS: Children in experimental group 1 (10) were given preeducation prior to the procedure and children in experimental group 2 (13), a health contract. Children in the control group (16) received the regular hospital preparation. Observation tools were used to evaluate adaptability and anxiety. Heart rate and oxygen saturation was also used as a measure of anxiety. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program.
RESULTS: Compared with the control group, experiment groups 1 and 2 showed significant difference in adaptability regarding the number of assistants and test posture.
Experiment groups 1 and 2 showed significant difference in voice tone and movement level when compared with the control group. Elevation level in heart rate showed significant differences between the three groups.
Conclusions Preeducation and nursing mediation through health contracts were shown to be effective methods to reduce anxiety and increase adaptability in children with leukemia who were undergoing a spinal tap.