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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2001;7(4):519-529.
The Effect of Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture on Recurrent Abdominal Pain of Children.
Yeon Ran Hong
Dep. of Nursing, Catholic Sang-Ji College, Korea.
Recurrent abdominal pain(RAP) occurs in 8-10% of elementary school children. It is suspected that functional causes are about 90% and organic causes about 10% for the recurrent abdominal pain. RAP is treated by antispasmodics or analgesics or antidiarrheal drugs in school health rooms. The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture on recurrent abdominal pain of children. The duration of this study was from April to July, 2001. The subjects were the grade 4th-6th elementary students complaining recurrent abdominal pain. Total subjects were 46 cases; 23 cases of which were placed in experimental and the others in control group. The results of this study were as follows; 1.Numeric-pain-intensity of experimental group received Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture was decreased more than that of control group received mock Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture significantly. 2.Probed current in stomach corresponding point (A12) of experimental received Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture was decreased more than that of control group received mock Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture significantly. 3.Medication requirement rate of experimental group received Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture was decreased more than that of control group received mock Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture significantly. The following suggestions with the results of the study would be made like these; 1.Stimulation implement of Koryo-Hand- Acupuncture should be used independently and each effect should be investigated. 2. With repeated studies for various signs and diseases, the effect of Koryo-Hand- Acupuncture must be verified.
Key words: Koryo-Hand-Acupuncture; Recurrent abdominal pain
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