1Department of Nursing, Keimyung University, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Kyongbuk College of Science, Korea. kangsan91@hotmail.com
This study is designed to compare differences of the infant mothers' nursing educational needs between primipara and multipara. And also this study will provide the basic data for the development of Infant care educational programs based on personal characteristics. The subjects of this study were 71 infant-mothers who just experienced delivery.
They were selected from a collage hospital and a obstetric hospital in D city, Korea. The tool used in this study was educational need scale developed by Choe, SeonJeong(2000), and modified by researchers. The subjects were requested to check complete the questionnaires by self-report method at the time of hospital discharge. The data were collected from February 7 to April 10, 2001. and were analysed by descriptive statistics, mean, std deviation, t-test, ANOVA with SPSS 10.0. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The differences of the infant mothers' nursing educational needs were not significantly between primipara and multipara. 2. In the each category of the infant mothers' nursing educational needs, we could see the differences between primipara and multipara as following ; Infant care(t=2.803, p=.007), Attachment between parents and infant (t=2.442, p=.017). 3. In accordance with general characteristics, the infant mothers' nursing educational needs differed significantly according to religion in primipara and according to satisfaction of marriage in multipara. 4. In accordance with obsterical characteristics, the infant mothers' nursing educational needs differed significantly according to places of postpartum care in primipara. In conclusion, this study confirmed that the nursing educational needs of the mothers did not show significant difference between primipara and multipara.
However, two subareas' parts of the infant mothers' nursing educational needs, infant care and attachment between parents and infant showed significant difference between primipara and multipara. And the infant mothers' nursing educational needs differed significantly between primipara and multipara according to several personal characteristics.
Therefore the results of this study might give some real data for the development of the Infant Care Programs based on personal characteristics.