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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2003;9(3):323-331.
Affecting Factors of Deviant Behaviors of Korean High School Students.
Young Mi Yoon, Myung Sook Choi
Department of Nursing, Seoil College, Korea. profen@seoil.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting Deviant Behaviors of Korean High school Students. METHOD: Data was collected from October 8 to 31, 2002. The subjects for this study were 697 Korean High school Students(boys 347, girls 350), recruited from two High School located in Seoul. Data collection was conducted through the use of 6 Questionnaire that modified by the investigator. The data was analyzed by the SPSS win 10.0 program using Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. RESULT: 1) The mean of total item score the Deviant Behaviors scales was 1.59, which was slightly low. 2) There was a significant correlation between Deviant Behaviors, Type A Personality, Aggression, Impulsivity, Stress and Social Support(gamma= .11 ~ .65, p < .001), but It was no significant correlation Type A Personality and Stress(gamma= -.01). 3) Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that (1) Impulsivity, Social Support and Type A Personality were the predictors of Deviant Behaviors and account for 18.6% of the variance in Deviant Behaviors. (2) Impulsivity account for 3.6% of the variance in Deviant Behaviors in Subjects with a lower degree of score the Deviant Behaviors. Impulsivity and Social Support account for 23.2% of the variance in Deviant Behaviors in subjects with higher degree of score the Deviant Behaviors. (3) Impulsivity account for 18.3% of the variance in Deviant Behaviors in High school girls (n=350). Impulsivity and Social Support account for 20.1% of the variance in Deviant Behaviors in High school boys (n=347). CONCLUSION: Impulsivity and Social Support account for Deviant Behaviors of High school Students. Therefore it is necessary to develop nursing intervention to reduce the level of Impulsivity, to increase the Social Support in order to decrease the Deviant Behaviors.
Key words: Deviant Behaviors; Type A Personality; Aggression; Impulsivity; Social Support; Stress
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