1Department of Nursing Research Institute of Nursing Science, Pusan National University, Korea. so9265@netian.com 2Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea. 3Il Sin Christian Hosipital, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine rate of breastfeeding practice at 3 months and to examine predictors for breastfeeding practice.
METHOD: Study subjects were 114 mothers who gave birth at one hospital in Busan area. Data regarding breastfeeding practice and potentially related factors to breastfeeding were collected through a self-administered questionaire at 1 weeks and a telephone survey at 3 months. Logistic regression was used to identifiy significant the predictors on breastfeeding practice.
RESULT: Rate of breastfeeding practice was 46.5% at three months of postpartum. The significant predictors for performing breastfeeding were lower the experience of breastfeeding trouble problem(OR=.88 compared with breastfeeding women, 95% CI; 78-.99), higher first breastfeeding satisfaction (OR=1.81 compared with non-breastfeeding women, 95% CI; 1.08-3.32), higher breastfeeding confidence(OR=1.84 compared with non-breastfeeding women, 95% CI; 1.08-3.32).
CONCLUSION: The findings suggest the necessity of support program for mothers during the positive postpartum period to provide correct information about breastfeeding knowledge and attitude and to teach problem-solving skills for any breastfeeding problems for highere rate of breastfeeding practice.