1Sung Dong Elementary School, Pusan, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea. ihwaja@hyowon.pusan.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was attempted to find out the actual conditions of drug education among the elementary school teachers.
METHOD: 468 teachers consists of nurse-teachers 175, class-room teachers 240 and athletics teachers 53 of the elementary schools in Pusan city were subjected for this study. The period was December 23th through December 28th, 2002 and collected data was analyzed by SPSSWIN program using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and ANOVA.
RESULT: The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average point of nurse-teachers performance(2.11) was higher than that of class-room teachers(1.37) and athletic teachers(1.56). 2. Practical difficulties of drug education was no system in the curriculum for nurse-teachers(22.9%), insufficient expert knowledge for class-room teachers(26.3%) and a lack of education materials for athletics teachers(37.7%). For more effective drug education, 25.7% of nurse-teachers hope to have more organized curriculum presentations, class-room teachers(24%) and athletics teachers(22.7%) hope that more various education materials will be developed.
CONCLUSION: Based on this results, drug education contents is needed to supplement a drug use prevention program.