1Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, Catholic University of Pusan. jwlee@cup.ac.kr 2Nurse, St. Benedict Hospital.
PURPOSE: This study was done to verify the effect of roller acupuncture stimulation on baesu spots of joktaeyang bangkwang kyeong in the reaction to physiologic pain(heart rate, percutaneous oxygen saturation, respiration rate) in neonates.
METHOD: This study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The participants were 40 normal neonates who were born at a hospital in Busan. These neonates were undergoing heel puncture for blood type tests.
The neonates were divided into 2 groups: 20 in the experimental group who were stimulated with roller acupuncture before the heel puncture and 20 neonates in the control group who were not stimulated. The heart rate and percutaneous oxygen saturation were measured using a cardiopulmonary monitor and the respiration rate was measured directly. The data were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 program using chi2-test, t-test and Repeated Measure ANOVA.
RESULTS: There was a significant difference (F=3.287, p=.043) for heart rate on the interaction between time and group. There was a significant difference (F=5.122, p=.008) for percutaneous oxygen saturation on the interaction between time and group.
CONCLUSION: On the basis of results, it was verified that the roller acupuncture stimulation on baesu spots of joktaeyang bangkwang kyeong had effect of relieving pain in the neonates.