1Kyung Hee School of Nursing 2Kyung Hee School of Nursing 3Kyung Hee Medical center 4Kyung Hee University Department of Nursing 5Kyung Hee University Department of Nursing
Although nursing researchers have performed studies on parent-child relationship actively since early 1980s in Korea, nothing hasn't been tried on the analysis of the contents of researches. We researchers tried examining the trend of researches by investigating treaties on mother-child relationship conducted from 1981 to 1994. The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of research on the mother-child relationship and to suggest direction for future study. The total numbers of the studies were 27 cases, These studies were analyzed for 1) time of publication 2) research design 3)main concept 4)thesis for a degree or nondegree 5) measurement tool The finding of the analysis were as follows. 1) In the chronological situation, the research on mother-child relationship began to perform in 1981 in the country and had been made most for five years to 1986 with 14 treaties and has decreased since 1990. 2) In the research plan, there are 21 survey(the most) ,5 quasi experimental(before 1986), 1 qualitative. 3) In the subject, the researches on mother-child are the most, 22 and of them 17 treaties on normal infant,4 comparative research on high risk infant and normal infant,5 treaties on mother, 4) The conception of mother-child relationship was used as various conceptions such as affection, union, bonding in early research of 1980s, but it hasn't been used as union bonding but studied mostly as the conception of 'mother-child interaction'since 1986. 5) The measurement tool of research was used variously, the Cropley's tool was used in early 1980s, but Walker's MIPS, Barnard's NCAST were used mostly in 1990. 6) Mother-child interaction influence on mother's self-conception, stress, care and feeding of child, frequency of delivery, planned pregnancy and delivery and health condition of child, birth weight, fetal period, period of mother-child life. Aspects of mother-child interaction composed on visual contact, looking at each other, skinship and caress with finger and fingertip. The leading action of mother-child interaction was mostly uttering action. 7) I suggest that the program for professional education is necessary for the establishment of the aspects of mother-child interaction.