1College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea. 2Catholic University Graduate School, Korea. 3Department of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, 3056-6, Daemyung 4 Dong, Namgu, Daegu 705-718, Korea. hykoo@cu.ac.kr
Purpose This study was done to investigate stress, coping and social support of mothers of children with seizure disorders, and to identify the relationship between these variables. Method: The participants were 105 mothers of children with seizure disorders. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include stress, coping and social support. The data were analyzed using the SAS program. Result: Stress of mothers was significantly different according to number of times the child had been hospitalized and the mothers perception of the state of the child's health. Coping by mothers was significantly different according to religion, general health state and if mother knew the child's diagnosis.
Social support for mothers was significantly different according to education level, monthly medical expenses and number of times the child had been hospitalized. Social support for mothers was correlated with stress and coping.
Conclusion The above findings indicate that coping in mothers of children with seizure disorder is related to social support. Therefore nursing interventions to reduce stress and improve coping should be provided for mothers of children with seizure disorder.