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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(4):407-415.
Level of Health Promotion Behavior Practice in Elementary School Students.
Shin Jeong Kim, Soon Ok Yang, Geum Hee Jeong, Seung Hee Lee
1Department of Nursing, Hallym University.
2School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin. woaiyoung@hallym.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a health promotion behavior program for elementary school students by investigating their level of health promotion behavior practice. METHOD: data were collected from 1276 1-6th grade elementary school students (11 elementary schools) using a self-report questionnaire. RESULTS: 1) The mean score for health promotion behavior practice was above the mid point at 3.10(+/-.43) 2) There were significant differences in health promotion behavior practices according to student's grade(t=4.447, p=.000), gender(t=-3.044, p=.002), age(t=4.402, p=.000), father's education level(t=4.365, p=.000), mother's education level(t=-4.672, p=.000), and perceived health status (F=19.124, p=.000). 3) There were significant correlations between health promotion behavior practice and the sub-areas of health promotion behavior practice. CONCLUSION: Systematic health education is necessary for elementary school students and their parents.
Key words: Health promotion; Behavior; Practice; Child; Students
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