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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2008;14(1):14-21.
Effects of Massage and Attachment Promotion Program on Social Maturity, Child Autism and Attachment of Children with Autism and Their Mothers.
Hae Kyung Lee
Department of Nursing, Medical College, Kangwon National University, Korea. leehk@kangwon.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to evaluate effects of massage therapy and the attachment promotion program with autistic children. METHOD: A quasi-experimental design was conducted with a convenience sample of 44 autistic children. The experimental group (n= 23) attended the massage therapy and the attachment promotion program for 4 months. The control group (n=21) only had the attachment promotion program. Measurements were made twice for both groups using the social maturity scale and child autism rating scale. Recording of mother-child attachment was done for 15 minutes in only the experimental group twice using video equipment. RESULTS: After 4 months of interventions, there was significant difference on social maturity (F=9.01, p=.005) between the groups. However, there was no significant difference on CARS ((F=2.47, p=.124). The total scores of mother-child attachment between pre- and post-interventions showed a significant difference (Z=-3.42, p=.001). CONCLUSION: The results showed that massage therapy and the attachment promotion program might be an effective way for providing a chance to increase social maturation and to increase attachment between mother and autistic child.
Key words: Massage; Attachment Promotion; Autistic disorder
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