Cognition about First Aid Education in Elementary School Students. |
Shin Jeong Kim, Jung Eun Lee, Kyung Ah Kang, Mi Kyung Song, Sun Young Moon, Eun Young Chang, Sung Hee Kim, Sook Kyung Lee |
1Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea. 2Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Dongnam Health College, Korea. 3Department of Nursing, Samyook University, Korea. 4School Nurse, DongChun Elementary School, Korea. 5Department of Nursing, ShinHeung College, Korea. 6Research Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, SungKyunKwan University, Korea. 7Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Korea. 8Doctoral Candidate, Ewha Womans University, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to develop first aid education programs for elementary school students.
METHOD: A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data from 720 5th and 6th grade elementary school students.
RESULTS: 1) The mean score for cognition of first aid education of the students was high with a score of 2.64 (+/-.30). 2) The mean scores for the 11 categories were, 'Fire & Burns', 2.78 (+/-.40), 'Poisoning', 2.77 (+/-.47), 'Thermal injuries', 2.75 (+/-.51), 'Rescue & moving', 2.73 (+/-.37), 'Bites', 2.72 (+/-.44), 'General first aid', 2.64 (+/-.37), 'Wounds', 2.59 (+/-.39), 'Removing foreign bodies', 2.58 (+/-.46), 'Cardiopulmonary resuscitation', 2.57 (+/-.59), and 'Musculoskeletal injuries' and 'Others', 2.54 (+/'-.51, +/-.53). 3) There was a significant difference in the cognition of first aid education according to student's gender (t=-3.012, p=.003), and judgement about the emergency situation (F=3.411, p=.034).
CONCLUSION: The results indicate the necessity of developing effective first aid education programs for elementary school students. |
Key words:
Cognition; First aid; Students |