1Department of Nursing, Masan College, Masan, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Choonhae College of Health Science, Ulsan, Korea. nursinge@ch.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of children's behavior problems and child-rearing stress to rejective parenting attitude in mothers.
METHODS: Study participants were 595 mothers who had children aged 3 to 5 who attended one of 10 kindergartens or infant schools in M or B Cities. The instruments used for this study were a self-report questionnaire, CBCL (Child Behavior Check List), PARQ (Parenting Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire), and PSI (Parenting Stress Index Short Form by Abidin). Regression analysis was the statistical method used for data analysis.
RESULTS: The factors associated with rejective parenting attitude were child-rearing stress, birth order, mother's education, the major caregiver in the family, and the type of family. These factors explained 33.7% of rejective parenting attitude.
CONCLUSION: The findings indicate a need to develop and provide parenting programs to reduce child-rearing stress in mothers.