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Child Health Nurs Res > Volume 17(4):2011 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2011;17(4):272-280.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/jkachn.2011.17.4.272
Knowledge, Compliance and Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Atopic Dermatitis.
Min Ju Kim, Mi Hye Choi
1Department of Children's Hospital Nursing, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. ylil81@hanmail.net
2Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to survey knowledge, compliance, and quality of life of mothers who have children with atopic dermatitis, and to determine whether above mentioned factors influence each other. METHODS: The participants in this study were 165 mothers of children with atopic dermatitis recruited from one out-patient clinic in a hospital in Seoul. The data were collected between March 8, and April 16, 2010 using a structured questionnaire. RESULTS: The mean score for participants' knowledge was 4.17/5, for compliance, 4.27/5 and for quality of life, 3.42/5. Among the five domains of quality of life, emotional status had the lowest score (3.20/5). Knowledge was significantly correlated with compliance (r=.215, p<.005). However, quality of life was not correlated with knowledge (r=-.069) and compliance (r=-.077). CONCLUSION: Accurate knowledge affects compliance of mothers of children with atopic dermatitis. Therefore, to increase the level of compliance, it is necessary to enhance the knowledge of the mothers. Results also suggest that interventions are needed to improve poor quality of life, particularly the emotional condition of mothers of children with atopic dermatitis.
Key words: Atopic dermatitis; Mother; Knowledge; Compliance; Quality of life
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