1Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. sung1024@cau.ac.kr 2Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the current status and needs in neonatal emergency training for nursing students in Korea and to obtain preliminary information to develop a simulation based educational program on neonatal emergency care for nursing students.
METHODS: Structured questionnaires were distributed to five hospitals and ten nursing schools during April and May, 2012. Data were collected from 59 nurses who worked in the nursery or Neonatal Intensive Care Units and 13 nursing educators who had specialized in pediatric nursing.
RESULTS: Most nurses (86.4%) reported that they had experienced an emergency situation with newborns. Most nursing educators (84.6%) claimed that more intensive training with newborns is needed for nursing students. In particular, training in neonatal resuscitation (72.2%), respiratory distress (59.7%), and neonatal seizures (18.1%) were highly recommended as simulation based training for nursing students.
CONCLUSION: A significant need for neonatal emergency educational programs was found. More efforts should be made to provide nursing students with knowledge and skills for working with neonates. The findings of this survey will ultimately provide a basis for developing a simulation based educational program on neonatal emergency care for nursing students.