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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1997;3(1):62-70.
The Survey of Nausea-vomiting and Diet Patterns among Pediatric Cancer Patient Received Chemotherapy.
Sung Hee Park
The incidence of chemotherapy related among pediatric cancer patient was 90.1%. Adequate oral intake and nutrition have been shown to be important. These consideration prompted the decision to survey by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire were included nausea-vomiting peak time, causing factor coping method, education need, diet pattern change and food preference. Results are fellow 1. Almost(90.1%) pediatric cancer patient experienced nausea-vomiting during chemotherapy and required coping method or reducing method. 2. The food preference form were identified. Those were fluid form, cold and small amount and frequently eating form. The patients preferered noodles, chickens, soap, juice. The results of the survey indicate that nasea-vomiting relief nursing intervention are required pediatric cancer patient received chemotherapy. Health care personnels recognize the pediatric cancer patient's diet pattern and encourage the nutritional counselling. The care of patient should be multidisciplinary team approach and the nurse occupies a key position with in this team, which includes the pediatrician, nutritionist.
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