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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1998;4(1):17-30.
A study on the change of limb muscle atrophy by the period of limited activities following the heart surgery in congenital heart disease children.
Myoung Ae Choi
In order to investigate the effects of a decreased activity on skinfold thickness, circumference and muscle strength of the extremities during the recovery period following heart surgery, skinfold thinkness, circumference and muscle strength of the extremities were measured on days 0, 3, 6, and 9 following the surgery, and compared with those on the arrival day of intensive care unit. Skinfold thickness was measured using a skinfold caliper(Saehan Cor., Korea), circumference of the limbs were measured with a tape measure, upper extremity strength was determined using the Takeigrip dyanmometer and lower extremity strength was measured by pressing the flatfoot on an electronic digital health meter while lying on a bed. Results from this study were thus : 1. Skinfold thickness of triceps, quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscle on days 3, 6, 9 following the heart surgery was not significantly different from that of on the day of operation. 2. Circumference of midupperarm and midthigh on days 3, 6, 9 following the heart surgery was not significantly different from that of on the day of operation. Circumference of midcalf on days 3, 6 following the heart surgery was not significantly different from that of on the day of operation, while that of midcalf on day 9 following the surgery decreased significantly compared with that of on the day of operation. 3. Muscle strength of the upper extremity was not significantly different from that of on the day of operation, while that of the lower extremity of day 9 following the surgery decreased significantly compared with that of on the day of operation. From these results, it may be concluded that circumference and muscle strength of lower extremity can be decreased due to the postoperative inactivity following heart surgery in congenital heart disease children.
Key words: Children following heart surgery; Postoperative inactivity; Muscle atrophy of extremity
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