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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1998;4(2):177-192.
Nursery Room Nurses' Role Performance for Maternal Role Attainment of Mothers at Early Postpartum Period.
Young Eun Lee, Chun Hwa Park, Geum Ja Park, Young Soon Kim, Bong Im Park
The early postpartum period is crucial toward in recovery form childbirth and attainment of the maternal role. Maternal role attainment is a complex social and cognitive process of stimulus-response accomplished by learning. Helping for maternal role attainment is one of nursing goals in the early postpartum period. Based on King's conceptual framework for nursing, this study was planned as descriptive correlation study to determine the significant differences of the degree of nursery room nurses' role performance according to several variables of personal, interpersonal, and working system of nurses in nursery room, The purpose of this study was to contribute to the planning of nursing care to help maternal role attainment of the early postpartum period of mothers and to the development of relevant nursing theory, The data were collected from R3b. 3 to 28 by questionnaires with 273 nurses in nursery room. The instruments for this study were consisted of four parts: 21 questions for roll performance of nurse ; 37 questions for personal system of nurse including 31 questions for role perception of nurse ; 65 questions for interpersonal system including 63 questions for job stress of nurse ; 18 questions for working system of nurse. The toes to measure role performance and role perception, and job stress of nurse were tested for internal reliability. Cronbach's Alphas were 0.9612, 0.9058, and 0.9649. The data were analysed by using in S.A.S. computerized program and included percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Duncan multiple range test. The conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows : 1. The mean score of the items of role performance was 2.12(SD=0.55) in Likert's 4 points scale. 2. The degree of role performance was significantly different according to role perception(p=0.0001), age(p=0.006), educational background(p=0.002), and certificate of midwife(p=0.03) among variables of personal system of subjects. 3. The degree of role performance was significantly different according to job stress(p=0.0001) and numbers of children(p=0.006) among variables of interpersonal system of subjects. 4. The degree of role performance was significantly different according to having opportunities for baby(p=0.03), the degree of flexibility to bring baby to mother's room(p=0.046), the scope of visitor for baby(p=0.016), the degree of flexibility of visiting for baby(p=0.049), the degree of participation of nurse in establishing visiting rules(p=0.017), existence and/or nonexistence of rules for breast feeding(p=0.010), existence and/or nonexistence of education for breast feeding(p=0.009), existence and/or nonexistence of breast feeding room(p=0.013), concret methods for breast feeding(p=0.003), working place(p=0.0001), and career(p=0.019) among variables of personal system of subjects.
Key words: Role attainment; Role performance
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