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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(1):58-65.
Effect of Discharge Education Program for Mothers of Premature Infants on Maternal Role Confidence and Parenting Stress.
Heekyung Kwon, Mikyung Kwon
1Gangneung Asan Medical Center, Korea. hee-g@hanmail.net
2Department of Nursing, Kwandong University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a discharge education program on maternal role confidence and parenting stress of mothers who delivered premature infants. The program provided them with information on childrearing and supportive educational nursing care. METHOD: This study was based on pretest- posttest nonequivalent nonsynchronized quasi-experimental design. The participants in this study were 30 mothers who delivered premature infants at a general hospital in G city. The instruments used in this study were Maternity Confidence Inventory, Parenting Stress Index(PSI). RESULTS: The first hypothesis that the mothers in the experimental group would undergo changes in maternal role confidence after the intervention was accepted, as there was a statistically significant gap between the two groups(F=9.386, P=.000). The second hypothesis that mothers in the experimental group would undergo change in parenting stress after the intervention was accepted, as there was a statistically significant gap between the two groups(F=4.425, P=.380). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the Discharge Education Program was an efficient intervention method to boost the maternal confidence of mothers with premature infants and to decrease their parenting stress.
Key words: Discharge education program; Premature infants; Maternal role confidence; Parenting stress
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