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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(3):398-404.
A Comparisons of Characteristics of Infants Born Prematurely According to Results of Denver II Screening Test.
Kyung Sook Bang
College of Nursing, Ajou University, San 5, Woncheon-dong, Youngtong-gu, Suwon 443-721, Korea. ksbang@ajou.ac.kr

To investigate the rate of questionable development in infants born prematurely and explore factors affecting developmental delays. Method: The participants were 46 infants born prematurely being seen in one of two urban health centers. A questionnaire and the HOME checklist were used to collect data, and the Korean Denver II developmental screening test was administered. Results: Of the participants 21.7% were classified as having questionable development. The only variable with a significant difference between the two groups was acceptance in the HOME checklist. Psychosocial factors such as mothers' burden, depression, family functioning, and social support were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion: An early developmental screening test for prematurely born infants is needed. Also, the childrearing environment was identified as a significant factor in infants' development. These findings suggest that HOME score might be useful for identifying infants at risk for developmental delays and interventions for these infants will probably be more effective if their mothers can provide a more appropriate social environment. Further studies are suggested with larger samples.
Key words: Premature; Child development; Denver II; Screening; Developmental delay
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