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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(4):506-513.
Effects of School Safety Education on Safety Behavior among Elementary School Students.
Jae Nam Lee, Myung Ae Jung, Jee Won Park
1Minbaeg Elementary School, Korea. n8910@hanmail.net
2Sinheung Elementary School, Korea.
3Division of Nursing Science Ajou University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of school safety education for children to increase their safety behavior. METHOD: The participants were 262 fourth graders enrolled in S elementary school located in Anyang city. The participants were randomly assigned to three groups. For the first experimental group, school safety education was provided for both children and parents. For the second experimental group, safety education was provided only for the children. For the control group, no treatment was given. Result: The first experimental group showed the highest increment on the classroom safety activities score. The first experimental group also had the highest increment on the outside-the-classroom safety activities score. Further, the first experimental group showed the highest increment on the traffic safety activities score. CONCLUSION: Safety education in the elementary school is very effective to ensure children are protected from school and traffic accidents. Also safety education can be more effective if safety related parent education programs are provided to parents. Therefore safety education should be provided systematically for both children and their parents to prevent childhood accidents.
Key words: School safety education program; Practice behavior; Elementary student; Parents letter
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