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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(4):427-435.
A Review of Multiple Intelligence Theory and Implications for Nursing Education.
Hyun Sil Kim
Department of Nursing, Daegu Haany University. hskim@dhu.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The findings of various research studies on human intelligence and Multiple Intelligence Theory are presented in this study and implications of a Multiple Intelligence Theory-based approach to nursing education for ill children are suggested. METHOD: Research objectives were accomplished by conducting a literature review. The main areas of the literature review included Multiple Intelligence Theory, and its application case for the children with learning disorders. RESULTS: Dissatisfaction with traditional IQ tests has led to the development of a number of alternative theories, all of which suggest that intelligence is the result of a number of independent abilities that uniquely contribute to human performance. In Multiple Intelligences Theory, intelligence is broken down into at least eight different components: logical, linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, naturalist, intra-personal and interpersonal intelligences. In addition, the premise of Multiple Intelligence Theory and its application case is that every topic can be effectively taught and achieved using the six entry points framework. CONCLUSIONS: The educational implications of Multiple Intelligence Theory in view of the health education and education in a children's hospital school should be considered as a basis for providing better education to ill children in a hospital setting.
Key words: Multiple Intelligence Theory; Nursing education
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